Discover how Hydramist high pressure water mist solutions have been implemented in Basingstoke Police and Investigation Centre (PIC) to optimise fire protection and life safety for its 36 detention cells. Read on to learn how this advanced fire protection solution is supporting the modernization of custodial facilities while meeting industry standards and requirements.
Modernizing the Custodial Estate with Performant Fire Protection
Hydramist water mist solutions are used in many smaller custodial facilities, as well as in large prisons. Just one example is the Basingstoke Police and Investigation Centre (PIC), which is nationally recognised for its excellence in design and function.
Basingstoke PIC was designed to provide an environment where detainees can be processed quickly and securely. The building forms part of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s wider strategy to modernise the entire custodial estate. Recognized for its excellent design and function, the centre’s fire protection system plays a crucial role. Hydramist, in collaboration with Fireworks Fire Protection, designed a tailored water mist fire protection system for Basingstoke PIC that integrates seamlessly with the centre’s building management system.
Compact Hydramist water mist pump and water tank
The fire suppression system in Basingstoke PIC operates with a compact Hydramist high-pressure water mist pump. The building’s mains water supply feeds a 250-litre reservoir tank mounted on top of the pump. The combined pump and tank unit is so light that it can be located in building’s roof top plant room. The tank’s water levels are continually monitored by the building management system.
The water mist pump is connected to Hydramist water mist anti-ligature nozzles in each cell, via small diameter stainless steel pipes. If a fire occurs, the nozzle in the affected cell automatically emits a fine water mist to suppress fire, smoke, and heat in minutes. Hydramist’s unique smoke cleaning properties maintain a survivable environment for the cell occupants and as only very small amounts of water are used, normal operations can be quickly resumed.
Fire Protection System Approvals and Testing
The Ministry of Justice specifies high-pressure water mist as the optimal solution for the custodial sector due to its proven ability to rapidly suppress fire, smoke, and heat.
The design and installation of the water mist fire protection system in Basingstoke PIC comply with NFPA 750 recommendations, local authority and utilities regulations, as well as Ministry of Justice NOMS STD/M/045-054 requirements. The Hydramist system has undergone rigorous testing with the Ministry of Justice and the Building Research Establishment (BRE), proving its efficacy in suppressing cell fires and reducing smoke spread within minutes.

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Discover our range of water mist fire protection products for the custodial sector.
See Hydramist fire protection in action at HMP Fosse Way/Glen Parva. One the UK’s largest modern prisons.
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