For courthouses and other judicial facilities, effective fire protection is critical to ensure the safety and security of all individuals. Read how 7 courthouses in Ireland upgraded the fire protection of their custody suites with Hydramist water mist fire protection systems installed by KSS Fire Suppression. Contact +44 (0) 800 731 9288 or to discuss your custodial fire protection project.
Renovation projects for 7 historic courthouses
Seven historic courthouses in Ireland – Limerick, Mullingar, Wexford, Waterford, Drogheda, Cork and Letterkenny were expanding and modernising their facilities. Crucial to the courthouse improvements was to optimise fire protection measures in custody cells. The seven Grade II listed buildings, some of which are over 200 years old, also needed compact, easy to install fire protection systems that would preserve their historic integrity. Some of the projects, such as Limerick Courthouse, involved renovations and extensions to their existing facilities, while others were full reconversion projects, such as Wexford Courthouse which was formerly a school.
Water mist fire protection design for courthouses
Each of the seven Irish courthouses has its own custody suites, with between 2 to 17 cells for detainees. Hydramist and KSS Fire Suppression worked together to design the best fire protection system for each of these unique building requirements.
At the heart of each courthouse fire protection system are compact Hydramist CWPU water mist pumps. In the event of fire, the pump drives water under high pressure to two Hydramist anti-ligature water mist nozzles located in each cell. Only the water nozzles in affected cell are activated and only small amounts of water mist are needed to quickly suppress the fire and reduce smoke spread.
With the added advantages of compact water mist pumps, low water requirements and small diameter pipes, Hydramist systems are ideal for retrofitting into existing buildings, making them the perfect choice for upgrading fire protection measures. KSS Fire Suppression are a fully trained and highly experienced partner for installation and maintenance of Hydramist fire systems throughout Ireland.
Life safety advantages of water mist fire protection solutions for courthouses
Hydramist water mist solutions were chosen for the court houses as they have been specifically developed to provide the most effective fire protection for custodial facilities and ensure the safety of detainees. Hydramist fire systems are proven in independent tests and in real life fires to suppress cell fires in minutes and dramatically reduce the spread of smoke. The limited water volume also simplifies the post-fire clean-up process, minimizing disruption and reducing the time required for the custody suite to return to normal operations.
Versatile fire protection applications
Hydramist water mist fire protection systems are flexible and can be retrofitted to fit within the available space, making them suitable for both new construction and retrofitting projects. Their adaptability ensures comprehensive fire protection coverage throughout the entire judicial or custodial facility.

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See Hydramist fire protection in action at HMP Fosse Way/Glen Parva. One the UK’s largest modern prisons.
Contact Watermist Ltd today on +44 (0) 800 731 9288 or to see how we can work with you and your local Hydramist installer to create customized fire protection solutions for your custodial facilities.